This is Leinkauf
The LHDNO Mission is to honor the gift of our shared lives by elevating our Quality of Life, preserving historic properties, and nurturing the enduring legacy of our natural surroundings.
ELEVATE the Quality of of Life...
• PRESERVE AND RESTORE our historic homes and properties
• WORK FOR a neighborly, connected, safe, and clean District
• ADVOCATE for high quality commercial design
• WORK TO INFLUENCE nonresidential uses appropriate to our historic, residential character
• WORK TO PROTECT AND IMPROVE our natural greenways and built legacy
LEINKAUF is quiet tree-lined streets...cozy cottages and sturdy bungalows...galleried two-story colonials and the grander homes on Government Street. Families relax on the shaded porches of an earlier era, greeting dog walkers and runners, and on fall's college football Saturdays, the crowds headed for a Ladd Stadium game. This is Leinkauf. Enjoy our photo tour. (click photo for full screen view)

Turn of 20thC antique iron lampposts with Leinkauf historic district markers border the District.

Brick cottage reflecting Tudor influence

Craftsman Bungalow with the stucco and tile roof details of Mobile's Spanish Revival era

Mansion on Government Street, known as The Patterson Home.

Elegant stucco and tile home reflecting the Prairie influence in Mobile architecture at the entrance to Flo-Claire, one of the city's earliest home developments

The applied stucco finish reflects the Spanish influence in Mobile homes of the period.

This classic bungalow with its graceful arched portico reflects Early American Colonial symmetry.

Southern vernacular victorian style with craftsman detailed porch columns

Southern Colonial Revival

A foursquare with Queen Anne influence seen in the porch detail

Folk Victorian detailing

Iconic stone construction home on Government Street in the Flo-Claire subdivision